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Clean 360 spin example, no PHP needed at frontend

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Clean (without too much redundant code) implementation of the AJAX-ZOOM 360 spin & zoom viewer with a single product view. You can use it for 360 product views with single row and 3D photography rotations with several rows. Almost lacking any unnecessary code and text, this example is perfect to start implementing the viewer in your project. The JavaScript source code has comments. Looking at it you will quickly understand which parameter values are variable and what they stand for. For instance, the value of 3dDir parameter stands for the path to the folder with 360° images.

The AJAX-ZOOM 360-product viewer for itself is extremely flexible. It features more than 400 options, extensive API and event hooks. You can set nearly any aspect of the appearance and adjust the behavior of the viewer in every detail. All controls you see within or under the viewer are optional too. You are able to disable, skin or extend them with default and custom functionality.