Value |
Default |
Description |
shape |
'point' |
Shape of the hotspot.
Possible values "point" or "rect".
Type: bool
enabled |
true |
State of defined hotspot.
Possible values true and false.
Type: bool
width |
32 |
Width of the hotspot image, only applied if shape value is "point".
Type: integer
height |
32 |
Height of the hotspot image, only applied if shape value is "point".
Type: integer
gravity |
'center' |
Hotspot gravity relative to its position.
Possible values: 'center', 'topLeft', 'top', 'topRight', 'right',
'bottomRight', 'bottom', 'bottomLeft', 'left'.
Only applied if shape value is "point". For landmarks set to "top"!
Type: string
offsetX |
0 |
Adjustment of hotspots horizontal visual position.
Only applied if shape value is "point".
Type: integer
offsetY |
0 |
Adjustment of hotspots vertical visual position.
Only applied if shape value is "point".
Type: integer
padding |
0 |
Padding of the box with hotspot image and/or text.
Type: integer
opacity |
1 |
Default opacity, disabled in IE < 9;
Type: float <= 1.0
opacityOnHover |
1 |
Opacity on mouse hover, disabled in IE < 9;
Type: float <= 1.0
backColor |
'none' |
Background color.
Type: string
zIndex |
1 |
zIndex of the hotspot.
Type: integer
borderWidth |
0 |
CSS border width.
Type: integer
borderColor |
'red' |
CSS border color. Type: string
borderStyle |
'solid' |
CSS border style, e.g. 'none', 'hidden', 'dotted', 'dashed', 'solid',
'double', 'groove', 'ridge', 'inset', 'outset' or combinations of them.
Type: string
borderRadius |
0 |
CSS border radius
Type: string
cursor |
'pointer' |
Mouse cursor.
Type: string
zoomRangeMin |
0 |
Min zoom level for hotspot to be shown.
Type: 0 <= integer <= 100
zoomRangeMax |
100 |
Max zoom level for hotspot to be shown.
Type: 0 <= integer <= 100
hotspotImage |
'hotspot64_green.png' |
PNG image for the hotspot located in /axZm/icons directory,
only applied if shape value is "point".
Image can be any absolute path with and without http.
Type: string
hotspotImageOnHover |
false |
PNG image for the hotspot on mouse hover, only applied if shape value is "point".
Image can be any absolute path with and without http.
Type: string
hotspotClass |
false |
Instead of using png icons for hotspots you could also use CSS class,
e.g. "axZm_cssHotspot " as an example. You could also use two CSS classes,
e.g. "axZm_cssHotspot axZm_pulse " will result in a pulsing css hotspot.
Type: string
hotspotClassOnHover |
false |
Additional CSS class(es) added onmouseover.
Type: string
hotspotText |
false |
Text puten direct over the hotspot image,
can be for example a number if shape value is point;
can be also HTML.
Type: false or string
hotspotTextFill |
false |
If shape value is "rect" the rectange does not capture mouse events like click.
Setting this value to true will set the inner box to 100% height
capturing all events except mousescroll for zooming.
Any CSS can be overriden with hotspotTextCss option, see below.
Type: bool
hotspotTextClass |
false |
Additionally to CSS class ".axZmHotspotText" add on ther CSS class to hotspotText layer.
Type: false or string
hotspotTextCss |
{} |
Additionally to CSS class ".axZmHotspotText" CSS which is added to hotspotText layer.
Type: object
hotspotObjects |
{} |
Any number of absolutely positioned layers directly inside the hotspot if shape value is "rect".
Type: object
altTitle |
false |
Show system like tootip by mousehover if main tooltip is triggered on click (toolTipEvent);
CSS class: axZmHoverTooltip;
Type: false or string
altTitleClass |
false |
CSS class for altTitle instead of axZmHoverTooltip class.
Type: false or string
altTitleAdjustX |
20 |
Horizontal offset of the altTitle.
Type: integer
altTitleAdjustY |
20 |
Vertical offset of the altTitle.
Type: integer
labelTitle |
false |
Sticky label (or tooltip) at any position near a hotspot, accepts HTML.
Type: string
labelGravity |
'left' |
Label gravity, possible values:
'topLeft', 'topLeftFlag1', 'topLeftFlag2', 'top', 'topRight', 'topRightFlag1',
'topRightFlag2', 'right', 'rightTopFlag1', 'rightTopFlag2', 'rightBottomFlag1',
'rightBottomFlag2', 'bottomRight', 'bottomRightFlag1', 'bottomRightFlag2', 'bottom',
'bottomLeft', 'bottomLeftFlag1', 'bottomLeftFlag2', 'left', 'leftTopFlag1',
'leftTopFlag2', 'leftBottomFlag1', 'leftBottomFlag2', 'center'.
Type: string
labelBaseOffset |
5 |
Auto offset in all directions.
Type: integer
labelOffsetX |
0 |
Horizontal offset.
Type: integer
labelOffsetY |
0 |
Vertical offset.
Type: integer
labelClass |
false |
CSS class instead of axZmHotspotLabel.
Type: false or integer
labelOpacity |
1 |
Opacity level.
Type: float <= 1.0
labelIndPar |
{} |
Optinal parameters for label depending on frame number.
Type: object
labelLine |
1 |
Thickness of the connecting line between the hotspot and sticky label.
0 disables the line.
Type: integer
labelLineColor |
'rgb(255, 0, 0)' |
Connecting line color.
Type: string
labelLinePoint |
11 |
Connecting point at the label.
Possible values: 1 - 12;
1-8: starting from top - left clockwise.
9: middle.
10: auto (1 - 8)
11: auto - center (2, 4, 6, 8)
12: auto - bottom corners (5, 7)
13: auto - top corners (1, 3)
Type: string
labelLineAdjust |
0 |
Adjust length of connecting line manually. Negative values accepted.
Type: float
draftTitle |
false |
"Draft label" content.
Type: string, object
draftPosLeft |
20 |
Left position of the "draft label" as % value.
Type: float
draftPosTop |
10 |
Top position of the "draft label" as % value.
Type: float
draftGravity |
'center' |
Label gravity, possible values:
'topLeft', 'topLeftFlag1', 'topLeftFlag2', 'top', 'topRight', 'topRightFlag1',
'topRightFlag2', 'right', 'rightTopFlag1', 'rightTopFlag2', 'rightBottomFlag1',
'rightBottomFlag2', 'bottomRight', 'bottomRightFlag1', 'bottomRightFlag2', 'bottom',
'bottomLeft', 'bottomLeftFlag1', 'bottomLeftFlag2', 'left', 'leftTopFlag1',
'leftTopFlag2', 'leftBottomFlag1', 'leftBottomFlag2', 'center'.
Type: string
draftOffsetX |
0 |
Horizontal label offset.
Type: integer
draftOffsetY |
0 |
Vertical label offset.
Type: integer
draftBorderColor |
false |
Border color of the label. Overwrites css class color if defined.
Type: string
draftBackColor |
false |
Background color of the label. Overwrites css class color if defined.
Type: string
draftFontColor |
false |
Font color of the label. Overwrites css class color if defined.
Type: string
draftClass |
false |
Alternative CSS class for "draft label".
Type: string
draftTriggerClick |
false |
Trigger click event defined for the actual hotspot.
Type: bool
draftClick |
null |
Custom function for click event.
Type: function
draftIndPos |
{} |
Individual positions of the "draft label".
Calculated and set by the editor but can be adapted for API if needed.
Type: object
draftLine |
1 |
Width of the connection line between hotspot and the "draft label".
Type: integer
draftLineType |
1 |
Draft line type. Possible values:
1. direct connection
2. cornered connection out of two lines
Type: integer
draftLineT2c |
1 |
Connection type for the line if "draftLineType" is 2 (cornered connection).
Possible values:
1. Longest first
2. Shortest first
3. Horizontal first
4. Vertical first
Type: integer
draftLineT2s |
'solid' |
Line style if "draftLineType" is 2 (cornered connection). Possible values:
'solid', 'dashed' or 'dotted'
Type: string
draftLineT2skew |
0 |
Experimental. Line skew as degree value.
Type: integer
draftLineColor |
'rgb(255, 0, 0)' |
Color of the "draft line".
Type: string
draftLineClass |
false |
Connecting line additional CSS class.
Type: string
toolTipTitle |
false |
Title shown in the tooltip; value can be also a function which returns a string or HTML;
in case the value is a function the first parameter passed to it
is an object with all configs of this hotspot including name.
Type: false, string or function
toolTipHtml |
false |
Text or html inside tooltip, as idea it can be also iframe,
e.g. <iframe src="" scrolling="no" width="100%"
height="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe>
value can be also a function which returns a string or HTML;
in case the value is a function the first parameter passed to it is an object
with all configs of this hotspot including name.
Type: false, string or function
toolTipAjaxUrl |
false |
Url for toolTipHtml get from AJAX request (not cross site,
for cross site use an iframe inside toolTipHtml);
Type: false or string
toolTipWidth |
250 |
Width of the tooltip, ignored when toolTipGravity is set to fullsize or fullscreen!
Type: integer
toolTipHeight |
120 |
Min height of the tooltip, ignored when toolTipGravity is set to fullsize or fullscreen!
Type: integer
toolTipGravity |
'hover' |
Tooltip gravity, possible values:
'hover', 'fullsize', 'fullscreen', 'topLeft', 'top', 'topRight', 'right',
'bottomRight', 'bottom', 'bottomLeft', 'left'.
The difference between 'fullsize' and 'fullscreen' is that 'fullsize'
refers to players dimensions, whereas 'fullscreen' to window size.
Type: string
toolTipGravFixed |
false |
Applies fixed position to toolTipGravity except 'fullsize', 'hover' turns into centered position.
Type: bool
toolTipFullSizeOffset |
40 |
toolTipGravity fullsize uses maximal available player / window width and height.
This is the margin to the edges if e.g. toolTipGravity is 'fullscreen', 'fullsize'
or toolTipGravFixed option is set to true, so the fixed position is relative to the player size.
Type: integer
toolTipTitleCustomClass |
false |
Use specific classname instead of axZmToolTipTitle.
Type: false or string
toolTipCustomClass |
false |
Use specific classname instead of axZmToolTipInner.
Type: false or string
toolTipAdjustX |
10 |
Horizontal offset.
Type: integer
toolTipAdjustY |
10 |
Vertical offset;
Type: integer
toolTipAutoFlip |
true |
Flip tooltip horizontaly / vertically depending on best fit.
Type: bool
toolTipOpacity |
1.0 |
Opacity of the tooltip.
Type: float <= 1.0
toolTipFade |
false |
Fade tooltip time in ms.
Type: false or integer
toolTipEvent |
'click' |
'mouseover' or 'click', defaults to 'click' on touch devices.
Type: string
toolTipClickClose |
true |
When clicked on the hotspot with already opened toolTip from the same hotspot, the toolTip will be closed.
Type: bool
toolTipHideTimout |
1000 |
If toolTipEvent is 'mouseover' this setting allows to move the cursor to the tooltip within this time.
Type: integer
toolTipDraggable |
true |
Set tooltip to be draggable.
toolTipTitle has to be defined because this is the handle, can be an empty div.
Type: bool
toolTipCloseIcon |
'fancy_closebox.png' |
PNG image for close button located in /axZm/icons directory.
Shown if toolTipEvent is 'click' and touch devices. Can be absolute image path, also with http;
Type: string
toolTipCloseIconPosition |
'topRight' |
Position of the close icon, possible values are: 'topLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomRight' and 'bottomLeft'.
Type: string
toolTipCloseIconOffset |
false |
Offset / position of the close button icon.
If false the offset is set instantly.
An integer sets depending on toolTipCloseIconPosition - top, bottom or left, right position to this number.
If object, e.g. {"right": 20, "top": 0} toolTipCloseIconPosition is ignored.
Type: false, integer or object
toolTipCloseIconMouseOver |
false |
Show close button also if toolTipEvent is 'mouseover'.
Type: bool
toolTipOverlayShow |
false |
Show overlay when tooltip window pops up.
Type: bool
toolTipOverlayOpacity |
0.75 |
Overlay opacity.
Type: float <= 1.0
toolTipOverlayColor |
'#000000' |
Overlay color.
Type: string
toolTipOverlayClickClose |
false |
Close tooltip by clicking on the overlay.
Type: bool
expTitle |
false |
Title for the expandable overlay.
Type: string
expHtml |
false |
Besides HTML or your text you could also load external content in iframe!
The prefix for the source is "iframe:"
e.g. to load an external page simply put something like this in the descripion:
To load a YouTube video you could put this (replace eLvvPr6WPdg with your video code):
To load some dynamic content over AJAX use "ajax:" as prefix, e.g.
"ajax:/test/some_content_data.php?req=123 ".
Type: string
expFullscreen |
false |
If true, the overlay will open at fullscreen (window).
Type: bool
href |
false |
Simple link for the hotspot.
Type: string
hrefTarget |
'_blank' |
Target for href (simple link), possible values:
_blank (new window), anything else is same window.
Type: string
click |
null |
Your custom click event function, e.g. simple fancybox gallery:
'href': '/path/some/image1.jpg',
'title': 'Description 1 image'
'href': '/path/other/image2.jpg',
'title': 'Description 2 image'
}], {
'padding': 0,
'transitionIn': 'none',
'transitionOut': 'none',
'type': 'image',
'titlePosition': 'over',
'changeFade': 0
AJAX-ZOOM does not require fancybox,
so fancybox JavaScripts and CSS files need to be included in the document.
The above code is just an example of a lightbox usage;
it can be any other lightbox where you could define images to be displayed in a similar way.
Please note that toolTip* options e.g.
toolTipHtml would produce a popup which looks similar to fancybox,
but they do not require fancybox JavaScript and CSS files.
Type: function
onRender |
null |
Your custom function when a particlar hotspot is added to the DOM;
receives name of the hotspot as argument.
Type: function
mouseover |
null |
Your custom mouseover event function.
Type: function
mouseout |
null |
Your custom mouseout event function.
Type: function
mouseenter |
null |
Your custom mouseenter event function.
Type: function
mouseleave |
null |
Your custom mouseleave event function.
Type: function
mousedown |
null |
Your custom mousedown event function.
Type: function
mouseup |
null |
Your custom mouseup event function.
Type: function
onRender |
null |
Function executed when hotspot is rendered to the screen.
Type: function
position |
{} |
position is a JS object with the positions of a particular hotspot, e.g.
position: {
1: {left: 1500,
top: 720
3: {left: 660,
top: 710
4: {left: 760,
top: 510
The keys (1,2,3 ...) can be numbers (starting from 1, not 0) or filenames of particular frames.
In case a key is omited the hotspot will not be shown in that particular frame.
If shape value is 'rect' each value of position object needs to have 'width' and 'height', e.g.
position: {
1: {left: 300,
top: 720,
width: 300,
height: 300
3: {left: 660,
top: 710,
width: 200,
height: 350
4: {left: 760,
top: 510,
width: 700,
height: 220
The 'left', 'top', 'width' and 'height' values can be pixel values
related to original size of the image
or percentage values
(e.g. left: '45.75%', top: '37.3%').